Jumping For Great Behavior!

Our behavior system and the consequences are listed below.  If you have any questions about anything, feel free to contact me either by phone or by my school email: adettmann@stmaryscatholicschool.net.

Our kindergarten class is Jumping for Great Behavior!

Here is a brief overview of our behavior system and how it works.

Our behavior system is based off of the “Stoplight” behavior system, only the stoplights are not green, yellow, or red.  They are frogs.  There are fireflies above the frogs which the frogs want to get.  The following is what each frog represents and the consequences that come with them.

At the top is the happy, smiling frog (green):  This is where every child starts every day of school.  This is where I want the students to be.

In the middle is the straight-faced frog (yellow):  This means that they did something that wasn’t part of our classroom rules, but it’s more of a warning.  The student(s) will miss five minutes of recess either lunch recess or afternoon recess. If they are on this color, they do have a chance to end up back on the top by the end of the day.

At the bottom is the crying frog (red): This is when a child has done something either again or another incident that is not a part of our classroom rules.  If physical contact is made against a student, they move right to the bottom without getting a warning.  If a child ends up on the crying frog, I will send a note home.  If it is because physical harm was done to another child, I will send a note home, talk to Ms. Hemmy, and have the child call you at home to explain what happened.


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